We’re delighted to have you here! We are excited to assist you in making your closet ideas a reality. You’ve come to the correct place if you’re a fan of all things organization or if you’re looking for organizing tips and tricks. Get all of your storage and organization ideas and how-tos right here. Tell your friends, the more the merrier!
When it comes to designing a new closet organizing system for the bedroom, there are certain fundamental guidelines to follow. Check out these helpful hints for creating the most functional wardrobe space. Don’t put it off any longer; let’s go to work organizing right away. Read this blog and keep some tips in mind before you rent wardrobe.
Calculate the figures
Make a list of everything you have in your closet and put it somewhere safe. The estimates might assist you in determining how much space you’ll require for hanging clothes, storing items, and accessorizing. Following the completion of your garment and other items count, you will be better able to arrange and organize your space.
Prioritize space for dresses or longer-hanging garments
Plan for a lengthy hanging part first, and then add drawers and shelves to complete the space. Double-hang the leftover space to make the most of the available vertical space. For the average woman, her long hang should take up 18-24″ of available hanging space.
Fold knits and sweaters to avoid harm to the item
Stacking or folding sweaters, knits, and t-shirts in drawers or on shelves will help keep their form. If you’re folding them in drawers, use a file system so you can tell which shirt you’re pulling out. To avoid tilting, stack folded clothes at the following recommended heights: 2-4 sweaters/sweatshirts, 5-6 shirts, and 4-6 jeans.
When designing, consider seasonal storage
If you’re running out of space in your master wardrobe, consider transferring your seasonal items (spring/summer and fall/winter) to a separate closet or storage space. Baskets and containers will assist you in keeping seasonal merchandise organized and out of the way.
This will prevent any future squabbles over who gets to use the same place or who gets to wear the same clothes. Listed below are some other suggestions for sharing a closet with a significant other: Women’s clothing takes up more space than men’s clothing and requires a longer hang time. If you and your partner are sharing a place, keep this in mind while designing your outfit.
Design with more shoe storage in mind
The average lady owns 40 pairs of shoes, whereas the average man owns only ten pairs of shoes. Ensure that there is sufficient shoe storage while also allowing for future growth. More shoes may be accommodated on a level shelf, and they should be stored heel to toe in order to maximize space use.
It’s never too late to achieve the beautiful closet you’ve always wanted. Make use of these suggestions to get organized and design the perfect dream closet. See more information on a wardrobe on rent in Gandhinagar and stay tuned on our blog.